He had medicine for the first time in 2001 in the cases of uncontrolled and constantly emerging women orgasm sexual stimulation and sexual arousal in a place with the related entity. There are women like this, the seizures that occur with unnecessary frequency, a wide orgasm, pelvic floor Jan decreases, increases sweating, heart rate, dilated blood vessels, breathing quickens. In this way a woman's body preparing to orgasm, and she sounds, but is totally inadequate and insufficient torque.

In the world only a few dozen cases of this disease, but experts sexology rightly suggests, there is actually a lot more: most patients only tell their problems. These women, living sexual stimulant and libido without constantly exciting happens in their life and that is a tragedy. Orgasm can happen during shopping, stores, offices, during a meeting with a cup of coffee a girl.
Persistent sexual arousal syndrome (PGAD - ing.), called Persistent sexual arousal Syndrome or how (PSA - ing.) returns a natural pleasure begets a serious disorder patients, guilt, and despair.
This disorder is characterized by a real sexual stimulant and libido in the genital area without sexual stimulation and continuous voltage. Such a situation will fail to orgasm every time, does not occur in the patient a relief. The type recently described, this syndrome sexual dysfunctions unesco, but the rain his quick-release classification of psychiatric disorders.
And gynecologists, as well as the Embassy of sexology sure of the type of expert you are what's involved in this syndrome nymphomania - sex phrasi characterized by a constant need to engage them, nor anorgasmia, or feelings of inadequacy, orgasm, orgasms sunt no multiplex one or multiple orgasms - a case, a pathological.
The main symptom of this disorder is a woman preorgasm, institutes, when the slightest desire for sexual intercourse. This is the case at all, and it brings them pleasure and pain in the genital area cause bad experiences.
Syndrome medicine and sexology aware of a bit of experts. The age of the patients, as a rule, from 30 to 45 years.Development as possible causes of the observed presence, or genital anatomical abnormalities tumors and blocking neurotransmitters in the brain stimulating the violation to a balance between neurological disorders (epilepsy), disorders of the genital arteries and veins and the circulatory network of the latest generation of the popular and widely used antidepressants that weird intake the serotonin reuptake inhibitors group.
Arousal occurs typically, in this situation, every time a patient experiences drowsiness or fatigue, it looks strange, because usually such situations and reduce sex drive. May be triggered by an orgasm that's just a little unnecessary footwork. Some light keeps the disorder of nature study, Italian scientists Bolonia University (Battaglia, Venturoli) found a similar syndrome with a patient to treat, antidepressants (trazodone), which is similar with the continuous clitoris erection with a male that is experiencing priapism (chronic erection insufficient).

syndrome nature's
The syndrome of continuous sexual stimulation and the nature of the causes of the lack of understanding does not ensure that an effective aid to a patient. If this disorder occurs on the background of neurological or mental illness, for tactics of treatment and treat them.
In other cases, symptomatic treatment applied:some patients with local anesthesia or ice creams to help feed. Antidepressants are effective for some women or drugs blocking dopamine receptors, or hormonal antiandrogenic drugs.
Sexology and Gynecology experts in the selection of movement remains for the treatment of patients trial and error as anything else.
For this reason, the patient's expert psychological or psychotherapeutic help. Many patients with the syndrome of severe depression and suicide attempts that occur.
Persistent sexual arousal syndrome a normal life with their spouse or partner in violation of accompanied by the development of emotional relationships, guilt, self-pity, loss of self esteem, reduced mood.